İrep Gözen

İrep Gözen

Postdoctoral Researcher
İrep Gözen

Irep Gözen is a postdoctoral researcher, currently exploring the internal dynamics of artificial cell constructs under the influence of colloidal micromotors. She received her PhD degree in 2013 from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, where she worked with surface-adhered vesicles to mimic cellular migration, in particular chemo- and thermotaxis, and investigated lipid membrane fractures in model systems and biological cells. She recently completed a year of postdoctoral work with the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, where she studied cell membrane damage in the context of cryopreservation. Irep is a recipient of the international post doctoral grant from the Swedish National Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).

Contact Information

McKay 530, 9 Oxford St
Cambridge, MA 02138
p: (617) 495-9894

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